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I forgot my password

8 posters



    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:26 pm

    I'm hoesntly to the point where i don't want to do this anymore. As you may all know, There is another Jesse forum, i happen to be a member of it.. I post a story there , the same one i post here. I had forgot my usernames password and then made a new one.. Which to me, i don't find to be a crime. So i make this new username.. And i was looking in there picture topics and i read something that one of the admins had said to a member which was "when we find more ****, we'll post it. so calm down" now to me, i thought that was rude. I don't know if anyone else would find that rude? Would you like us to tell you that we'll post more **** when we find it and to calm down about it ? I know i wouldn't want someone to talk to me like that.. So, I replied to it. i said " don't you think thats a little rude" and then, the admins decide they are going to make a topic about my two usernames and the fact that i said something to there rude remark. TO me, its immature. I made two usernames and i told them why. I had one, then i made a new one because i forgot the password to the other one. Not a big deal? So now everyone is talking about this forum, its apparently not good enough and theres is better..
    Honestly, I'm in this to support Jesse. but with every idea we've came up with ... myspace for the forum. twitter, news section.. etc.
    they take the same idea because they sit here and like spy on the forum or something. Well i'm not for it anymore. SO i'm really considering quitting this stupid thing. I don't need to fight with people or have people call me names for the stupidest crap.

    Last edited by HelplesslyFalling on Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 787
    Age : 31
    Location : PA


    Post  l0vinxJeSsE Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:40 pm

    No, please don't quit with the forum. I do post at "the other Jesse forum" but I really rely on this forum for updates on Jesse. Ever since the Jesse Forums closed I've really had no other place to get such quick updates. I just don't understand what the fighting is all about? We all have atleast one thing in common, and it's that we love and support Jesse. That should be the one thing that atleast brings us all together you know..the main reason for all of this, Jesse.

    I don't really see the problem with re-registering when you've forgotten your password. That's really not a big deal. I don't know exactly what this whole situation is about, and I certainly don't want to get involved but please don't quit. I don't think either forum is better than one another. I do think this one is a bit more organzied and a lot easier to find certain things but still.

    You run a great forum and it's only been open a couple of months. From what I've noticed, both of the forums have the same activity. This one has definitely got to be more active but for the most part you both are same in that department. I've been helping promote this forum as much as I can and I will still continue, for Jesse's sake of course. Just wait, I'm sure once summer hits, the forum will be overflowing. People will have more time and such. I know I would usually be posting more than I do but I have school and a lot of work.

    "when we find more ****, we'll post it. so calm down"
    Yeah, I certainly wouldn't want an admin saying that to me especially since they're suppost to be seem "higher" than the other posters, if you know what I mean?

    Really though, don't give up and quit on us! I really love it here! I'M QUITTING.**UPDATE 110686

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:45 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:I'm hoesntly to the point where i don't want to do this anymore. As you may all know, There is another Jesse forum, i happen to be a member of it.. I post a story there , the same one i post here. I had forgot my usernames password and then made a new one.. Which to me, i don't find to be a crime. So i make this new username.. And i was looking in there picture topics and i read something that one of the admins had said to a member which was "when we find more ****, we'll post it. so calm down" now to me, i thought that was rude. I don't know if anyone else would find that rude? Would you like us to tell you that we'll post more **** when we find it and to calm down about it ? I know i wouldn't want someone to talk to me like that.. So, I replied to it. i said " don't you think thats a little rude" and then, the admins decide they are going to make a topic about my two usernames and the fact that i said something to there rude remark. TO me, its immature. I made two usernames and i told them why. I had one, then i made a new one because i forgot the password to the other one. Not a big deal? So now everyone is talking about this forum, its apparently not good enough and theres is better..
    Honestly, I'm in this to support Jesse. but with every idea we've came up with ... myspace for the forum. twitter, news section.. etc.
    they take the same idea because they sit here and like spy on the forum or something. Well i'm not for it anymore. SO i'm really considering quitting this stupid thing. I don't need to fight with people or have people call me names for the stupidest crap.

    I agree with you. It's all to support Jesse. I thought the comment was rude to. There is no need for it when all a member was doing was asking if they had found the pictures in HQ yet. I was on there just to post my stories too. I was trying to stay out of the whole immature fight but then one of their members brought my name into it telling them to ban me too. So, I replied to that member saying that was kinda mean because I don't take anything from there and if I ever did/do I would source it from them. And posting that one comment, got me banned. But whatever. They seem to treat this all like a competition, when last I knew we were all wanting the same thing, to support Jesse and help make all his dreams come true by doing so. I guess they just forgot the real heart of it all. I personally don't care if our member go there too. That's great and fine and your own perogitive. Just please make sure to site your sources if you get something from them and bring it here. Hate for them to find another childish fight to start.

    But Em, there is no reason to quit this! It's for JESSE!! Not them!!!

    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:11 pm

    Thanks to both of you. I know i shouldn't quit because of them.. I was just angry at first. I guess i'm chill now. lol They even start messaging me on myspace.. my jesse fan site on myspace and which ever girl it was was calling me a mother fuc-ker and all this rude stuff. its like, all i did was say you were being a little rude and i had two usernames.. whats the big deal? I'm not lying to either one of them. I forgot my password to my first username.. I should use the same password for everything, but i don't and so i forgot and made a new one. There is no need to get all rude and post a whole topic about it, you know?

    I have no problem with the members here posting there too. Like you both said, we're supporting Jesse and i tried to tell them that , but they don't seem to listen. Its like they want to be better than this forum.. I'm honestly not into it for that. I just want to support Jesse and gather a bunch of fans here in one place to talk about Jesse.

    I'm sorry, i kinda oever reacted.

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:19 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:Thanks to both of you. I know i shouldn't quit because of them.. I was just angry at first. I guess i'm chill now. lol They even start messaging me on myspace.. my jesse fan site on myspace and which ever girl it was was calling me a mother fuc-ker and all this rude stuff. its like, all i did was say you were being a little rude and i had two usernames.. whats the big deal? I'm not lying to either one of them. I forgot my password to my first username.. I should use the same password for everything, but i don't and so i forgot and made a new one. There is no need to get all rude and post a whole topic about it, you know?

    I have no problem with the members here posting there too. Like you both said, we're supporting Jesse and i tried to tell them that , but they don't seem to listen. Its like they want to be better than this forum.. I'm honestly not into it for that. I just want to support Jesse and gather a bunch of fans here in one place to talk about Jesse.

    I'm sorry, i kinda oever reacted.

    Hey, it's OK. I was mad too at first. Than I listened to Jesse, always makes everything better Very Happy, and remembered that we can be the bigger and better people because we are nice to all our members and don't curse at them and that this IS ALL SERIOUSLY FOR JESSE!! That's the main thing. If they don't see that, then that's their problem!

    I can't believe that they started messaging you on MySpace. Now talk about LOW! But whatever. We'll continue what we do and it will all blow over once they aren't getting any attention from us about it anymore. Just like a toddler throwing a tantrum, you give them attention they continue with it but as soon as you start to walk away and ignore it, they stop. This whole immature, childish fight isn't worth it or our time on it.

    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:54 pm

    Very true, listening to Jesse makes everything better :]
    Also, when i was replying to the topic, i had read what you said to them about someone wanted to block you from posting, and i was going to add in there that you didn't do anything and that it would be rude, but i forgot. I kept going on and on. Anyways, She messaged me on myspace AGAIN!
    someone just needs to give up. Seriously.. i'm trying to stop the fight, and she keeps going on and on about it.
    Thanks for helping us out Rachel. The more promoting we do, the more members we get and more support for Jesse Very Happy yayy
    Also, me and Amp are actually making a site together and then advertising this forum on it too. We figured making a Jesse site as well would give us more members and more support for jesse as well (:

    Number of posts : 2003
    Age : 36
    Location : Right where you want me
    Occupation : Musician
    Hobbies : Music, writting, comedy, anything to do with Jesse or music...


    Post  jessecraze Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:55 pm

    I don't think we should quit. Emily, you know how I feel about their forum.
    We just step up our game to a higher level.

    It is all about my Jesse <3333333

    But what forum who is inlove with Jesse, calls his stuff sh*t?
    Jesse's stuff is not sh*t =( It's beautiful artwork created by God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (meanning Jesse himself)

    If anyone doesn't understand all the fighting, it's becuase they aren't working hard like Myself, Emily, and Rahcel!!! It's not fair to work our butts off, see another Forum do the same ideas as us, and then get a bunch of glory and we feel like we get zilch! (nothing)
    We aren't being babies about it, we really want this forum to become something worthy of Jesse's greatness and his attention! (cuz this is for him and him only)
    It just really helps when we have the support of other amazing fans and what not!!!

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:03 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:Very true, listening to Jesse makes everything better :]
    Also, when i was replying to the topic, i had read what you said to them about someone wanted to block you from posting, and i was going to add in there that you didn't do anything and that it would be rude, but i forgot. I kept going on and on. Anyways, She messaged me on myspace AGAIN!
    someone just needs to give up. Seriously.. i'm trying to stop the fight, and she keeps going on and on about it.
    Thanks for helping us out Rachel. The more promoting we do, the more members we get and more support for Jesse Very Happy yayy
    Also, me and Amp are actually making a site together and then advertising this forum on it too. We figured making a Jesse site as well would give us more members and more support for jesse as well (:

    So true! Thanks for that. I don't blame you for going on and on and forgetting. It's fine though. I was getting ready to stop going there anyway because they are rude and mean to their members. It's not worth it.

    I know, from what I've understood from every 'fight', they have always started it and then when you try to stop it, they keep it going. So, whatever, their members will find out the truth eventually and get fed up too.

    jessecraze wrote:I don't think we should quit. Emily, you know how I feel about their forum.
    We just step up our game to a higher level.

    It is all about my Jesse <3333333

    But what forum who is inlove with Jesse, calls his stuff sh*t?
    Jesse's stuff is not sh*t =( It's beautiful artwork created by God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (meanning Jesse himself)

    If anyone doesn't understand all the fighting, it's becuase they aren't working hard like Myself, Emily, and Rahcel!!! It's not fair to work our butts off, see another Forum do the same ideas as us, and then get a bunch of glory and we feel like we get zilch! (nothing)
    We aren't being babies about it, we really want this forum to become something worthy of Jesse's greatness and his attention! (cuz this is for him and him only)
    It just really helps when we have the support of other amazing fans and what not!!!

    Well, said! I hadn't even realized that sh*t comment that way! But that's pretty much exactly what they did. WOW!! So messed up. I still can't believe that they would be rude to one of their members that way though. But whatever. It's all about Jesse and supporting him through everything, they've just lost sight of that, and that makes me feel bad for them. And that is totally their loss.

    Number of posts : 787
    Age : 31
    Location : PA


    Post  l0vinxJeSsE Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:08 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:Very true, listening to Jesse makes everything better :]
    Also, when i was replying to the topic, i had read what you said to them about someone wanted to block you from posting, and i was going to add in there that you didn't do anything and that it would be rude, but i forgot. I kept going on and on. Anyways, She messaged me on myspace AGAIN!
    someone just needs to give up. Seriously.. i'm trying to stop the fight, and she keeps going on and on about it.
    Thanks for helping us out Rachel. The more promoting we do, the more members we get and more support for Jesse Very Happy yayy
    Also, me and Amp are actually making a site together and then advertising this forum on it too. We figured making a Jesse site as well would give us more members and more support for jesse as well (:

    Well that's real mature of her to keep messaging you don'tcha think?
    Wow, what is she saying to you?
    They're all over there on that forum saying how "immature" it is and yet...they are still keeping it up.

    There's just something really wrong with that.
    But be the stronger person, you know you're better than that! Smile

    By the way, I didn't think you were overreacting at all. I totally understand where you're coming from.

    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:10 pm

    The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:17 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    Good for you! You are so better than that. If they want to be childish and immature, let them.

    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:19 pm

    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:
    HelplesslyFalling wrote:Very true, listening to Jesse makes everything better :]
    Also, when i was replying to the topic, i had read what you said to them about someone wanted to block you from posting, and i was going to add in there that you didn't do anything and that it would be rude, but i forgot. I kept going on and on. Anyways, She messaged me on myspace AGAIN!
    someone just needs to give up. Seriously.. i'm trying to stop the fight, and she keeps going on and on about it.
    Thanks for helping us out Rachel. The more promoting we do, the more members we get and more support for Jesse Very Happy yayy
    Also, me and Amp are actually making a site together and then advertising this forum on it too. We figured making a Jesse site as well would give us more members and more support for jesse as well (:

    Well that's real mature of her to keep messaging you don'tcha think?
    Wow, what is she saying to you?
    They're all over there on that forum saying how "immature" it is and yet...they are still keeping it up.

    There's just something really wrong with that.
    But be the stronger person, you know you're better than that! Smile

    By the way, I didn't think you were overreacting at all. I totally understand where you're coming from.

    Oh, she just keeps telling me that i'm a liar about the username thing and calling me names like, mother fucker, WHINEY LITTLE TWAT ! , slim, lame ***, "
    then she goes

    "I D I O T ! wow monkeys would be embarr by your stupidty "
    hahahhaha. im just like, okay? and she keeps messaging me over and over again and i told her its done and over with and to just stop. and then i say bye, and she goes on and on again still.

    Number of posts : 1925
    Age : 29
    Location : Long Island, New york


    Post  xxGetFreakyxx Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:23 pm

    noooo don't quit! </3

    they r stupid and immature and that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. people shouldn't be competing or traching other SITES THAT SUPPORT JESSE we r all doing this FOR JESSE

    someone needs to fricken tell them that JESSE WOULD NOT LIKE THIS! No Sad Evil or Very Mad

    Number of posts : 787
    Age : 31
    Location : PA


    Post  l0vinxJeSsE Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:24 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    No offense, but that Sarah girl doesn't sound over the age of 13. I woudn't feel threatened. If they keep up what they're doing, they're just going to keep losing members.

    I'm pretty sure they're already losing one so far...
    and that's me. :]

    I joined both of these forums to talk about Jesse, get updates, and help support him. I was hoping everybody was willing to do the same just like the old forums. But those admins just have seemed to turn this into a huge competition. They expect to be "thanked" for every little thing they post or else they're just going to post another thread about how everybody should appreciate what they're doing.

    Number of posts : 2003
    Age : 36
    Location : Right where you want me
    Occupation : Musician
    Hobbies : Music, writting, comedy, anything to do with Jesse or music...


    Post  jessecraze Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:32 pm

    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:
    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    No offense, but that Sarah girl doesn't sound over the age of 13. I woudn't feel threatened. If they keep up what they're doing, they're just going to keep losing members.

    I'm pretty sure they're already losing one so far...
    and that's me. :]

    I joined both of these forums to talk about Jesse, get updates, and help support him. I was hoping everybody was willing to do the same just like the old forums. But those admins just have seemed to turn this into a huge competition. They expect to be "thanked" for every little thing they post or else they're just going to post another thread about how everybody should appreciate what they're doing.

    Isn't is sad? Someone saying they are a Jesse fan and then calling his stuff, 'Sh*t' and putting down another forum who supports the very guy, they are supposed to be suppoting!!!! Neutral

    Thank you for supporting Jesse no matter what and i'm sorry that mmmJesse is the way they are and please do stick around here, cuz neither myself or Emily, would ever be rude like that to you or any other member on this forum!!!

    Number of posts : 1754
    Age : 33
    Location : Ohio


    Post  JessexBroadway Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:34 pm

    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:
    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    No offense, but that Sarah girl doesn't sound over the age of 13. I woudn't feel threatened. If they keep up what they're doing, they're just going to keep losing members.

    I'm pretty sure they're already losing one so far...
    and that's me. :]

    I joined both of these forums to talk about Jesse, get updates, and help support him. I was hoping everybody was willing to do the same just like the old forums. But those admins just have seemed to turn this into a huge competition. They expect to be "thanked" for every little thing they post or else they're just going to post another thread about how everybody should appreciate what they're doing.

    Oh yeah, i know what your saying. I believe i read something on the forum one time about the members needing to appreciate them more or something. To me, I don't care if members thank us for posting topics at all. Well, i kinda do.. but whats more important to me, is that we're spreading news and supporting Jesse. If members don't thank us, we're not gonna stop posting things. Thats stupid. We're here to provide information and to support Jesse. And i think Amp and Rachel probably feel the same

    Number of posts : 787
    Age : 31
    Location : PA


    Post  l0vinxJeSsE Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:37 pm

    jessecraze wrote:
    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:
    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    No offense, but that Sarah girl doesn't sound over the age of 13. I woudn't feel threatened. If they keep up what they're doing, they're just going to keep losing members.

    I'm pretty sure they're already losing one so far...
    and that's me. :]

    I joined both of these forums to talk about Jesse, get updates, and help support him. I was hoping everybody was willing to do the same just like the old forums. But those admins just have seemed to turn this into a huge competition. They expect to be "thanked" for every little thing they post or else they're just going to post another thread about how everybody should appreciate what they're doing.

    Isn't is sad? Someone saying they are a Jesse fan and then calling his stuff, 'Sh*t' and putting down another forum who supports the very guy, they are supposed to be suppoting!!!! Neutral

    Thank you for supporting Jesse no matter what and i'm sorry that mmmJesse is the way they are and please do stick around here, cuz neither myself or Emily, would ever be rude like that to you or any other member on this forum!!!

    Yes, it is very sad. And I agree about what Jesse would think of it. I doubt he would like seeing his fans, who he says are the most important support group of his career, fighting over this stupid stuff. We all love him very much and want to support him but those members over there don't seem to really be thinking about Jesse all too much. They seem more into the popularity of their forums rather than just being there for Jesse.

    You don't have to worry about me going anywhere, I'm here to stay. :]
    You all are great.

    Number of posts : 2003
    Age : 36
    Location : Right where you want me
    Occupation : Musician
    Hobbies : Music, writting, comedy, anything to do with Jesse or music...


    Post  jessecraze Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:40 pm


    And trust me, we are thinking of Jesse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (24/7 365)

    I love that boy with a passion!!!!!!! (I've given up having a life, for him!!!)

    I'm soo glad you are here to stay <333 (SO ARE WE) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:44 pm

    HelplesslyFalling wrote:
    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:
    HelplesslyFalling wrote:The thing is, the member they said that to, like is totally on their side.. I just got another myspace message from them and she starts talking about Sarah (the girl they were rude to) and how she came on this forum and started talking to her about what i posted [this topic]

    this is just crazy , i'm so donee with these people. lol

    Evil or Very Mad

    No offense, but that Sarah girl doesn't sound over the age of 13. I woudn't feel threatened. If they keep up what they're doing, they're just going to keep losing members.

    I'm pretty sure they're already losing one so far...
    and that's me. :]

    I joined both of these forums to talk about Jesse, get updates, and help support him. I was hoping everybody was willing to do the same just like the old forums. But those admins just have seemed to turn this into a huge competition. They expect to be "thanked" for every little thing they post or else they're just going to post another thread about how everybody should appreciate what they're doing.

    Oh yeah, i know what your saying. I believe i read something on the forum one time about the members needing to appreciate them more or something. To me, I don't care if members thank us for posting topics at all. Well, i kinda do.. but whats more important to me, is that we're spreading news and supporting Jesse. If members don't thank us, we're not gonna stop posting things. Thats stupid. We're here to provide information and to support Jesse. And i think Amp and Rachel probably feel the same


    Number of posts : 1925
    Age : 29
    Location : Long Island, New york


    Post  xxGetFreakyxx Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:52 pm

    i logged on
    yelled at them
    and got banned
    after only 2 posts

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:54 pm

    xxGetFreakyxx wrote:i logged on
    yelled at them
    and got banned
    after only 2 posts

    Yea, I got banned for only one post saying that it was mean for a member to bring me into the fight, by name, when I was staying out of it through everything. She said something like they should block everyone of us 'including babygirl' or something like that.

    Number of posts : 787
    Age : 31
    Location : PA


    Post  l0vinxJeSsE Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:54 pm

    I was totally just banned from mmmJesse too...

    scratch hmm wonder why. hahahaha.

    They really need to grow up.
    They shouldn't even be running a fansite if they're going to act this way.

    Number of posts : 1925
    Age : 29
    Location : Long Island, New york


    Post  xxGetFreakyxx Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:56 pm

    how do they know all of the ppl to ban???

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:57 pm

    l0vinxJeSsE wrote:I was totally just banned from mmmJesse too...

    scratch hmm wonder why. hahahaha.

    They really need to grow up.
    They shouldn't even be running a fansite if they're going to act this way.

    Ugh! SO FREAKIN' TRUE!! Now it just seems that they are banning people for even coming here. Talk about immature!

    Why do they even have the forum if all they are going to do is run people away by being rude, mean, and making people choose one or the other. It's ridiculous.

    Number of posts : 1499
    Age : 38
    Location : Guam
    Occupation : Housewife/MilitaryWife
    Hobbies : I live for music!! I love to read and write, hang out with friends, and watch movies!


    Post  babygirl49392 Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:58 pm

    xxGetFreakyxx wrote:how do they know all of the ppl to ban???

    Coming and using our members list? That's my guess.

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